pg_trgm Support

Allow use of pg_trgm indexes.

This optional feature has been deprecated in API version v2.0.0.

This version deprecated the pg_trgm Support optional feature due to it being implemented natively in Prisma. Because of this, we have removed the information for this feature from this page to discourage further uses.

This optional feature is no longer supported.

Because this feature has been deprecated, it won't receive updates or technical support for any issues that might arise. This includes backend updates and further changes.

This optional feature is scheduled to be removed.

As with all deprecated features, this feature is scheduled to be removed after one major version. This means that after API version v3.0.0, using this feature will result in an error telling you that the configuration file is invalid. With this removal, all of the references to this feature will also be removed, including this page and all further references will be restricted.

Project Toolchain Usage

This feature makes use of these Project Toolchain APIs: Middleware. Because of this usage, it defines the following modules:


This module defines the following middleware and extensions identifiers that can be imported via Project Toolchain, along with their descriptions:

  • ftsIndexes - Query your TSVectors from Prisma.

Deprecation Notice

Because this feature has been deprecated, it won't receive support for Project Toolchain's Extensions API. That means that the only way to use this feature is by using middleware until it is removed.

Last updated